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Start publishing high performing content on a daily basis and spend 5x less time doing so.




Billed $588/year

+30-day money-back guarantee

Content Inspiration

4M+ viral posts library

AI-picked suggestions

AI-generated posts

On-demand AI post generator

On-demand AI hook generator

Advanced Scheduling

Post composer w/ images & carousels

High-fidelity post previews

Smart “1-click” scheduling

Auto DM, Auto Plug, Hide URL expands

Relationship Builder

import from Sales Navigator

Automatically import likers and commenters

Manually import likers and commenters of ANY post

Reply to other people’s posts

AI-generated comments

Send personalized DMs in bulk

Integrate with your CRM w/ Zapier

Actionable Analytics (solo)

Your main KPIs at a glance

Detailed post performance

Team and organization stats

Highly shareable analytics screenshots

76% pick this plan


Powered by GPT-4

Unlock the power of relationship building, AI-generated posts and team analytics.





Billed $588/year

+30-day money-back guarantee

IncludesChat Assist
Your LinkedIn assistant, powered by GPT-4
Content Inspiration

4M+ viral posts library

AI-picked suggestions

AI-generated posts

On-demand AI post generator

On-demand AI hook generator

Advanced Scheduling

Post composer w/ images & carousels

High-fidelity post previews

Smart “1-click” scheduling

Auto DM, Auto Plug, Hide URL expands

Relationship Builder

Import people from posts & Sales Nav searches

Up to 100 people per post.

Automatically import likers and commenters

Up to 10 likers or commenters per post

Reply to comments & other people’s posts

Up to 100 comments / month.

AI-generated comments

Send personalized DMs in bulk

Integrate with your CRM w/ Zapier

Actionable Analytics

Your main KPIs at a glance

Detailed post performance

Team and organization stats

Highly shareable analytics screenshots

250 GPT-4 credits/mo
and unlimited GPT-3.5 credits after that
GPT-4 is the most advanced commercially available AI model, provided by OpenAI.


Powered by GPT-4

Access all our relationship building features with no limits. Ideal for large accounts.




Billed $1788/year

+30-day money-back guarantee

IncludesChat Assist
Your LinkedIn assistant, powered by GPT-4
Millions of searchable AI-enriched leads
Content Inspiration

4M+ viral posts library

AI-picked suggestions

AI-generated posts

On-demand AI post generator

On-demand AI hook generator

Advanced Scheduling

Post composer w/ images & carousels

High-fidelity post previews

Smart “1-click” scheduling

Auto DM, Auto Plug, Hide URL expands

Relationship Builder (pro)

Database | find relevant leads within millions of LinkedIn accounts

Import people from posts & Sales Nav searches

Up to 500 people per post

Automatically import likers and commenters

Up to 100 likers or commenters per post.

Reply to comments & other people’s posts

Up to 500 comments / month

AI-generated comments

Send personalized DMs in bulk

Integrate with your CRM w/ Zapier

Actionable Analytics

Your main KPIs at a glance

Detailed post performance

Team and organization stats

Highly shareable analytics screenshots

Pro Support

Assistance with team account management and billing

5,000 GPT-4 credits/mo
and unlimited GPT-3.5 credits after that
GPT-4 is the most advanced commercially available AI model, provided by OpenAI.

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